Congregation Etz Chaim Board 2024-25

President - Belinda Braunstein
Originally from L.A., I moved to Merced from Santa Barbara in 2008 to work at the UC and became active in the congregation in just the last few years.
I was impressed with how much like a family this congregation is and how inclusive it is of Jews of various affiliations from the very religious to the more cultural, and also Jews-to-be of different backgrounds.
Past President - Greg Friedman
As a member since the early 2000's Congregation Etz Chaim has been our home since we moved to Merced. I am honored to have been President for two terms.
With a wide variety of activities, we welcome you to join our congregation family for celebration, fun activities and learning! Don't hesitate to reach out to me to learn more about our amazing and close knit community.
President-elect (2026) - Rich Kleitman

Treasurer - Rachel Hadley
I love our Congregation!
We have a wonderful visiting Rabbi who leads us in insightful prayers and interesting Torah Study discussions; our Friday Night Shabbat Potlucks and Lay Led Services are meaningful and fulfilling; and our community is warm and welcoming!

Secretary - Cathy Hofmann
Members at Large
John Kirihara
Ardene Shaeffer
Sheryl Wight
Carol Friedman
John Hofmann
Linda Ann Rebhun